🚀 Recent Projects

on collage I have taken a variety of projects that include network and also various systems and IoT also especially.

SIRS Poligizi

About Sirs Poligizi

Introducing SIRS Poligizi - an open-source project that was created to fulfill the requirements of the Hospital Information System course. This project is built with the latest technology and is free to use. It can be further developed, but due to limited time and resources, it is sufficient to meet the course requirements.


This is a project used to complete assignments for the Hospital Information Systems course What sets it apart from other systems? Of course, it's free and open source
This project can still be further developed, but limited time and resources make it sufficient for fulfilling the course requirements.

Featured technologies used


About Natatoko

Build a customizable well designed web store in 5 minutes with ease and sell products that supported by comprehensive income estimation and web traffic analytics for our users


It offers comprehensive income estimation and web traffic analytics to help users make informed business decisions. Setup, orders, products and business analysis are all easily adjustable with Natatoko.

We also allows users to conveniently and effortlessly customize the visual appeal of their ecommerce platform to reflect their company's brand.

Natatoko makes sure the store can be up and running in a matter of minutes.

Featured technologies used

📕 Experiences

I have previously intership and work practice a job as a IoT Developer, web developer, and network administrator.



IoT Developer

Since: March 2023 - August 2023 (6 months)

Working on the crafting connected experiences on IoT and website developer specifically on the Wifi Coin project. I use mikrotik to attach Wifi Coin on the public place and the user can connect to the Wifi Coin and get the cheap internet access.

Responsibilities and things I did

  • Develop about the IoT and website developer, I have been working on the crafting connected experiences on IoT and website developer specifically on the Wifi Coin project.
  • Use mikrotik to attach Wifi Coin on the public place and the user can connect to the Wifi Coin and get the cheap internet access.
  • Develop the website to manage the Wifi Coin and the user can top up the balance and see the usage of the internet.

SMA Muhammadiyah Gombong

IT Developer

Since: October 2022 - February 2023 (5 months)

Working on High School as an IT Developer, I have a lot of responsibilities to maintain the school's website and create a new feature to help the school's administration. I also teach the student about programming and how to use the computer.

Responsibilities and things I did

  • Maintain the school's website and create a new feature to help the school's administration
  • Teach the student about programming and how to use the computer
  • Create a website for the admission process
  • Improve network infrastructure and create a new network topology
  • Design and create promotional material for the school

✍️ My Writings Project

I write about web development, programming, and other tech-related topics. I also write about my personal experiences and thoughts on various subjects. Here are some of my latest articles.

Check out my blog

I write about web development, programming, and other things that I find interesting. I also share my experiences and knowledge that I have learned.


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